# Initializing Loki

# Configuration for dev

Note that configuration is only necessary when your code is not running in a Sapling cloud environment. For example, a front-end app that is deployed to a Sapling-hosted cloud with the appropriate head will load Loki jQuery and configure the environment without any additional setup. One helpful pattern is to wrap your configuration in a conditional such that it will only run in development mode and not in production. Here is an example from a Vue-based Vite project:

if (import.meta.env.MODE === 'development') {
  // your development mode configuration setup
} else {
  // any other setup code for production

Implementation may vary in other frameworks.

# Defining your config object

Once you've imported loki-javascript-client into your project (typically as Loki), you will need to initialize an instance of the Loki client. This is done by defining a config object and passing that object to the Loki class constructor:

import Loki from '@sapling-data/loki-javascript-client/dist/es-bundle';

const lokiConfig = {
  auth: {

const loki = new Loki(lokiConfig);
// or for the browser:
// window.loki = new Loki(lokiConfig);


If you are writing code for the browser, it is recommended that you assign your new Loki instance to window.loki. This allows you to declare loki as a global variable and eliminates the need for syntax such as this.loki... or similar. This keeps Loki calls consistent between your local dev environment and your deployed production code.

It is recommended that you use your project's package.json file to store these options and then reference those variables rather than defining these options in your JavaScript itself, e.g.,

import packageJson from '../package.json';
const lokiConfig = {
  ...baseUrl: `https://${packageJson.appInfo.loki.cloudPrefix}.saplingdata.com`

# Options

# baseUrl

This is the base URL that will be used for calls to Loki. It will typically look similar to the following: https://cloudPrefix.saplingdata.com.

# appName

This is a string containing the codename of application you are working with.

# cloudPrefix

This is a string containing the subdomain of the cloud environment you are working with.

# auth

This option requires two properties, username and password. These properties must be strings that contain the username and password for the user account that you will be using to authorize your calls to Loki.


Do not store these credentials as plain text in your JavaScript.
Define auth credentials in environment variables so that no user credentials are stored directly in your JavaScript. Use a .env file with a library such as dotenv (opens new window) in Node or syntax such as import.meta.env in Vite (or the equivalent in your framework of choice).
Do not check your .env file into version control under any circumstances.