# Get started

# Installation

# Install the library via NPM or Yarn

npm i @sapling-data/loki-javascript-client


yarn add @sapling-data/loki-javascript-client

If you are using a build tool (e.g., Vite), installing loki-javascript-client as a dev dependency may be sufficient. This will ensure that the code from this library doesn't end up in your production build unnecessarily.

# Access the library in your project

Importing the library into your project using ES import syntax will look similar to the following:

import Loki from '@sapling-data/loki-javascript-client/dist/umd-bundle';


import Loki from '@sapling-data/loki-javascript-client/dist/es-bundle';

# Available formats

loki-javascript-client is currently available in UMD and ESM formats. These are accessible at /dist/umd-bundle.js (UMD) and /dist/es-bundle.js (ESM).

We recommend using the UMD version for developing Node projects (including scripting, REST APIs with Express, or any code that is intended to be run on a server) and the ESM version for code that will run in a browser (Vue, React, or other client-side frameworks/apps).